Recent Projects
Click on photos to find out more
May 2019, Wood Canvas Canoe Restoration course at the Canadian Canoe Museum
Joe taught a 2-day cedar/canvas canoe restoration course at Peterborough's Canadian Canoe Museum.
Another one is scheduled for May 30-31 2020. Details are HERE
Spring 2019, Feature article on Batteau travel on the St Lawrence River in Canada's History Magazine
The article, titled "The Unbeatable Batteau" presents the lives of the batteaumen as described by early travelers on the route between Montreal and Lake Ontario.
July 2018, James Bay Railway traveling canoe built in cedar & canvas to plans drawn in 1911 by H.K. Wicksteed, chief surveying engineer for the construction of the Canadian Northern Railway.
June 2018, Wooden mast repair: steaming apart and re-gluing a hollow wooden mast.
September 2017,
Presentation on Boatbuilding Apprenticeship Programs given at The International Boatbuilders' Exhibition and Conference, Tampa, Florida.
Presentation covered: General overview of apprenticeship, the logistics of setting up a new program, and findings from recent research on the return on investment for employers investing in apprenticeship programs.